Wednesday, September 21, 2011

World Changing Projects from Singularity University

It has literally been nearly a month and I am still experiencing some fractions of the Post SU stress syndrome on a good day like today. I miss them so here is my attempt to capture and relive these memories. Being able to unite around the same goal of changing the world through our ideas and actions is truly what makes our friendship so special. I am creating that kind of friendship locally here at MIT and I hope to be able to inspire others through my own actions for peace and prosperity of all living beings. 

Let's together change a billion lives! Let's live out the drama of our lives and enjoy the most fulfilling existence! 

This is my team! Matternet: Lifting the Rising Billion. We have a plan to revolutionize transportation in places without usable roads. Using a network of autonomous aerial vehicles to transport medical supplies in places without roads in developing countries and creating economic opportunities for people living under extreme poverty to lift themselves out of poverty! 

During our early morning break (5am), we dance. 

Ignisolar: emPOWERing people. It aims to create affordable energy harnessing from the sun for people in developing countries. 

Our Global Story: learning about life across culture and languages. It aims to redefine conventional education through global documentaries. 

There are many more projects that are world-changing. For example, the Corruption Tracker project. Using the Ushahidi platform to tackle de-centralized corruption leveraging exponentially growing trends of information crowdsourcing. 

Or Project Instance that helps you encrypt your data when they are up in the cloud! Or PlayEnergy that allows you to redistribute the abundance of energy and resources in developed countries to developing countries via gamification and social networks! 

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